References and Resources
Baxter, S., Enderby, P., Evans, P. and Judge, S. (2012) ‘Barriers and facilitators to the use of high-technology augmentative and alternative communication devices: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis: AAC barriers and facilitators review’. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 47(2) pp. 115–129
Hodge, S. (2007) ‘Why is the potential of augmentative and alternative communication not being realized? Exploring the experiences of people who use co communication aids’. Disability and Society, 22(5) pp. 457–471.
Money, D. and Thurman, S. (2002) Towards a Model of Inclusive Communication. Speech and Language Therapy in Practice. London: Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Murphy, Y, J., Markova, I., Collins, S. and Moodie, E. (1996) ‘AAC systems: obstacles to effective use.’ International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 31(1) pp. 31–44
NHS England (2016) Complex Disability Equipment- Communication Aids (Specialised AAC services) Service Specifications. Unknown place of publication: NHS England. aac-serv-spec-jan-2016.pdf (
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (2013) Five good communication standards. London: RCSLT
CALL Scotland (2018) Personal Communication Passports. Personal Communication Passports (
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