Specific Staff Training
The process discussed in the Roles and Responsibilities section, led to the identification of specific training needs in order for staff to fulfill specific roles. For example, some staff engaged in learning how to administer a specific strategy, like using Talking Mats to elicit pupil voice. While others continue their professional development across the broader subject of implementation and assessment of assistive technology, through an accredited higher education course.
Discussion Point! Identifying Specific Training
Review your list or diagram of roles and responsibilities created in the earlier section to identify specific staff training needs.
Examples may include:
Makaton: Makaton Tutor Training makaton.org
AAC Assessment: Educational Assistive Technology Msc dundee.ac.uk/postgraduate/educational-assistive-technology
Access Champions: Access: Methods modules acecentre.org.uk/learning
Pupil Voice: Talking Mats talkingmats.com
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