Wireless Mode

Warning: This mode definitley is slightly more laggy and can be fiddly to setup.

Note that this mode is useful on devices where you can't plug anything into your device. The setup can feel strange - what we need to do is tell your relaykeys hardware the device to connect to.

  1. Plug in device and follow instructions as above

  2. Pair the main AAC/Host device with it. So pair the computer you have attached it to with RelayKeys hardware. This can feel a bit strange - you are connecting the hardware to the same machine you are on. See here for how to put it into pairing mode.

  3. Disconnect the relaykeys hardware. In your bluetooth settings you actually need to click on the item and "Remove" device. (NB: If you cant do this it might be because you need to be an admin. The trick is open the Control Panel -> Devices & Printers -> Relaykeys -> Right click, Remove and you will be asked for an Admin password)

  4. Plug relaykeys into a power source - away from the computer. Your RelayKeys may have a battery or you might need to plug into a wall USB power source.

  5. Double press the User switch It should now shine a nice blue colour!

  6. Run RelayKeysd with --ble_mode See here for more details

Last updated