Command Line Usage

Command Line flags

We have created a command line interface which allows you to send mouse and keyboard commands to your RelayKeys hardware.

To run it access

relaykeys-cli.exe command:data

or if running it in pure python

python command:data

and the non-verbose, non-windowed version

python command:data

Where 'command' and 'data' are provided below.

Remember to change your application accordingly We regularly use the term for command line application 'relaykeys-cli' in this documentation. Often though you will want to use the 'relaykeys-cli-win.exe' application that will run a little quicker and has no printed output. Use this for your default call to relaykeys from other applications. If you want to see any errors use 'relaykeys-cli.exe'

If you are developing with the code You must make sure the server is running when you call the cli files. The server (aka Daemon) is the code that turns these commands into the correct AT syntax and access the com port

Defining a Keymap -c

Keymap files are located in cli_keymap folder. You can choose which keymap file the CLI is going to use in the cfg by assigning file name to keymap_file variable (see here)

By default the us_keymap.json is loaded. To run relaykeys-cli with other keymap either change the cfg setting or use the -c flag on the cli application. E.g.

relaykeys-cli.exe -c .\relaykeys-example.cfg type:@

See more info on the format here

Command: paste

This takes the pasteboard of the computer (i.e. when you copy some text) and pastes the resulting string to RelayKeys


relaykeys-cli.exe paste

Command: type:text

Types the string following the :. Note you will need to escape spaces etc

relaykeys-cli.exe type:Hello\ World

A special note about type/paste

You can send special characters, ones that are usually shifted, by sending the key and the shift modifier (see keyevent below). But for the type and paste commands we have some other characters that are hardcoded and it will do the conversion on the fly.

So for example, to send the @ symbol:

relaykeys-cli.exe type:@

All codes which are converted can be seen below. NB: \t = Tab \r\n are line breaks~

Command: keypress:KEY,MODIFIER

Sends the KEY and any modifier, For example:

relaykeys-cli.exe keypress:A

Will emulate pressing and releasing the letter A. What about a shift?

relaykeys-cli.exe keypress:A,LSHIFT

Will emulate pressing the A with Left Shift. i.e. Upper casing the A.

relaykeys-cliexe keypress:RIGHTARROW,LSHIFT,LCTRL

Will press the right arrow, left shit and left control (would select the next word in programs like word)


  • Left Control/CTRL: LCTRL

  • Left Shift : LSHIFT

  • Left Alt/Alt: LALT

  • (Left) Meta/Windows Key/Mac Key/Command Key: LMETA Note: On Windows there is generally only one Windows key. So use LMETA to emulate pressing the Windows key

  • Right Control/CTRL:: LCTRL

  • Right Shift : RSHIFT

  • (Right) Meta/Windows Key/Mac Key/Command Key: RMETA

If you are wanting to send two keys with a modifier - send the key - then modifier. E.g. keypress:C,LCTRL - not the other way round!

If you are sending to iOS or a Mac - remember that they use the Command (LMETA) key - often where windows uses the CTRL key read here for more examples

We also have a limited number of consumer keys - namely volume related (if you need others do let us know)

  • Volume Up: VOLUP

  • Volume Down: VOLDOWN

  • Mute: MUTE

So all the other keys are defined below. We will try and explain what these are when its ambiguous

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8

  • 9

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • E

  • F

  • G

  • H

  • I

  • J

  • K

  • L

  • M

  • N

  • O

  • P

  • Q

  • R

  • S

  • T

  • U

  • V

  • W

  • X

  • Y

  • Z

  • BACKSPACE - Back Delete key

  • ENTER - Return

  • DELETE - Forward delete key

  • TAB















  • KP0

  • KP1

  • KP2

  • KP3

  • KP4

  • KP5

  • KP6

  • KP7

  • KP8

  • KP9







  • KP_EQUAL - Keypad =



  • UP

  • DOWN


  • LEFT


  • HOME

  • END



  • F1

  • F2

  • F3

  • F4

  • F5

  • F6

  • F7

  • F8

  • F9

  • F10

  • F11

  • F12








  • APP

  • LGUI - Keyboard Left GUI

  • RGUI - Keyboard Right GUI

  • CUSTOM~ - Keyboard Non-US # and ~




  • HELP

  • MENU


  • STOP


  • UNDO

  • CUT

  • COPY


  • FIND

  • MUTE













  • OUT 0xA0

  • OPER 0xA1

Command: keyevent:KEY,MODIFIER,Up/Down

Emulates holding or releasing one key with a modifer. For example:

relaykeys-cli.exe keyevent:A,LSHIFT,1

Emulates pressing a A with Shift Down. To release:

relaykeys-cli.exe keyevent:A,LSHIFT,0

So a classic example is to emulate pressing the Alt key and Tab key. Commonly used to switch applications. To do this you would need to send two commands.

    relaykeys-cli-win.exe" keyevent:TAB,LALT,1
    relaykeys-cli-win.exe" keyevent:TAB,LALT,0

Command: keyboard_release

Releases any keys that may have been held down, e.g. a modifier Particularly useful if you need to type on one the receiving device with a different keyboard.

Command: mousemove:PixelsRight,PixelsDown

Sends the command to move the mouse x Pixels Right and x Pixels Down. To go in the other direction send negative numbers. Eg. To go Right by 10 and Down by 10

relaykeys-cli.exe mousemove:10,10

and Left by 10, Up by 10:

relaykeys-cli.exe mousemove:-10,-10

Straight up:

relaykeys-cli.exe mousemove:0,-10

Straight down:

relaykeys-cli.exe mousemove:0,10

Straight right:

relaykeys-cli.exe mousemove:10,0

Straight left:

relaykeys-cli.exe mousemove:-10,0

Want a way of repeating a mousemove for a while? Run the application called mouserepeat.exe which uou will find in the RelayKeys install folder. Run it with mouserepeat.exe -x 10 -y 10 - where that is your mouse direction to move it in. It will then repeat that until you quit the application. To do this run a powershell script: Stop-Process -Name "mouserepeat"

Command: mousebutton:Button,Behaviour

Sends the Mouse button press. Mouse buttons available:

  • L: Left

  • R: Right

  • M: Middle

  • F: Scroll Forward

  • B: Scroll Backward


  • click

  • doubleclick

Note: If you don't provide a behaviour it will hold and release the button for 0 Seconds.

Send a doubleclick:

relaykeys-cli.exe mousebutton:L,doubleclick

Send a right click:

relaykeys-cli.exe mousebutton:R,click

What about dragging?

Activate Drag Start button

relaykeys-cli mousebutton:L,press

User moves mouse

relaykeys-cli mousemove:x,y

User moves mouse some more

relaykeys-cli mousemove:x,y

user activates Drag Stop button

relaykeys-cli mousebutton:0

Command: delay: nms

Adds a delay. Particularly useful when writing a macro and you need to wait for something to happen on the client operating system.

relaykeys-cli delay:1000

Puts in a a delay of 1 second.

Device Management Commands

Optional extra flags --notfiy --copy

On the following commands you can provide a --notify flag. If so your Operating System will return a system notification. Useful if you dont have access to view the command line. Or if you wish provide a --copy flag. This will return the results to your pasteboard for you to paste the data back. Be careful with this. It will overwrite any copy/paste functions you may already have.

relaykeys-cli.exe ble_cmd:devname

Returns the currently connected device

relaykeys-cli.exe ble_cmd:devlist

Gets a list of devices that the device has in memory

relaykeys-cli.exe ble_cmd:devadd

Put the device into a pairing state

relaykeys-cli.exe ble_cmd:devreset

Reset the entire stored devices (its like wiping the volatile memory)

relaykeys-cli.exe ble_cmd:switch

Switch the current connected device to the next one in RelayKeys memory

relaykeys-cli.exe ble_cmd:switch:"Name" --notify Switches BLE device by the name of a device.

relaykeys-cli.exe ble_cmd:devremove=DEVNAME

Remove just one named device from the memory.

relaykeys-cli.exe ble_cmd:reconnect

Tells the daemon/server to try and reconnect to the serial port.

relaykeys-cli.exe daemon:switch_mode

Tells the daemon/server to try and switch between wired

relaykeys-cli.exe daemon:get_mode

Returns current mode

relaykeys-cli.exe daemon:dongle_status

Returns whether it is connected or not

relaykeys-cli.exe ble_cmd:get_mode

Gets the current mode - wired or wireless

relaykeys-cli.exe ble_cmd:switch_mode

Switches mode from Wired -> Wireless and Wireless-> Wired.

Command: -f file.txt (Macro)

Provide a macro file - where each line in a text file is a cli command. For example ios_open_notes.txt found in the macros directory of the installation folder (i.e at C:\Program Files (x86)\Ace Centre\RelayKeys\maccros)

relaykeys-cli.exe -f ios_open_notes.txt

or like this

relaykeys-cli.exe -f Documents/open_ios_notes.txt

where it reads the file from a file path.. or.. relaykeys-cli.exe -f ./open_ios_notes.txt

where it reads the file in folder where current exe is run from\

where ios_open_notes.txt is:


Warning: There is no syntax checking of this document.

Want to send a long string of mouse commands and want to record your movements for a script? Use the RelayKeys-QT app and use the record macro function!

Last updated