Checking it works

  1. Open up something on the second computer that you can enter text into. E.g. Notes on the iPad, Notepad on Windows or Notes on a mac

  2. On your server computer (the one with RelayKeys attached) run "RelayKeys" (search for it in your Windows search bar). Alternatively find it in C:\Program Files(x86)\Ace Centre\RelayKeys\relaykeys-qt.exe

  3. With the window having focus - type into it. You should see the keystrokes appear on the second computer

Using it with your AAC software

You can get going by using one of these example files that work with your AAC Software:

When you are ready, have a read of how to integrate the features you need.

👍 You've successfully installed and setup RelayKeys! Now you may want to use the CLI or QT program. Read on to find out how these work.

😞 Got a problem? Dang! See our troubleshooting guide.

Last updated