Config File details


In the same directory as relaykeys there is a file relaykeys.cfg

It looks like this:

host =
port = 5383
username = relaykeys
password = QTSEOvmXInmmp1XHVi5Dk9Mj
logfile = logfile.txt

host =
port = 5383
username = relaykeys
password = QTSEOvmXInmmp1XHVi5Dk9Mj
toggle = 1
togglekey = A
togglemods = RALT

keymap_file = us_keymap.json

Feel free to change any of the settings but Be careful that you make the username/password the same - otherwise the CLI programme can't talk to the service.

Note the keymap file. This is found in the sub directory cli_keymaps. You can have multiple keymaps in here if you wish and switch between them using the cli using -c

Each file is a json file (tip - using jsonlint to check its formatted ok) looks something like the below where the string is sent dependent on the characters sent. eg. on a UK keyboard ! is sent by presing shift and 1.

    "\r": [null, null],
    "\t": ["TAB", []],
    " ":  ["SPACE", []],
    "`":  ["BACKQUOTE", []],
    "~":  ["BACKQUOTE", ["LSHIFT"]],
    "!":  ["1", ["LSHIFT"]]

Dev - Defining your port of the RelayKeys hardware

RelayKeys software tries to find the RelayKeys board automagically. If you have a device with a number of COM ports attached - or ones that have similar functionality you may have some difficulties. If so try fixing the COM port.

  1. Access Device Manager. Search for "Device Manager" in Windows.

  1. Click on Ports. If you only have RelayKeys connected you should see one device. If you see many - try unplugging it and replugging it in to find which COM port it is.

  1. Note the number and edit your RelayKeys cfg file. Search for "RelayKeys config" in Windows - and open with Notepad.

  1. Type dev = COM3 where COM3 is your port number you found in step 2-3.

Last updated