The Look2Talk Package
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The Look2Talk package consists of five elements:
Guide Book: Which you are reading now and is freely available.
Demonstration Pages: These show how the eye pointing communication book you will create could look at each stage. The demonstration pages also set out the suggested core vocabulary. This is freely available to view electronically or to download and print.
Templates: For creating personalised pages for an eye pointing communication book. These are freely available although you will need access to either Boardmaker or InPrint 3 (coming soon!) resource making software to use them.
Communication Easel: A sturdy easel file to display the eye pointing communication book. A communication easel can be purchased from Ability World.
Training: Free Taster sessions and a 6hr teacher-supported online study on Look2Talk are run by Ace Centre Learning at least twice a year.
This Look2Talk guide has been produced as an eBook. While designed to be read online, it is possible to print it as a .pdf. This guide sets out the Look2Talk approach and provides detailed information about each stage, including readiness and aims for both the communication partner and the learner.
This guide contains links to videos to illustrate key points. You will need to have Internet access to view these videos.
The demonstration pages have been produced as an interactive PowerPoint presentation. This can be viewed online but there is more functionality if you download the presentation. There is also a .pdf version of the demonstration pages that can be downloaded and printed if you would prefer.
The demonstration pages are available from Ace Centre's website here.
The demonstration pages aim:
to bring life to the principles described within this guide
set out the suggested core vocabulary at each stage
give inspiration around the kind of pages you might want to include in your learner's eye pointing communication book
The pages can be shown to learners with whom you are considering trying out an eye pointing communication book. They might also be useful as part of your exploration around whether they are ready to move on to another stage. Whilst we have aimed to take out some of the intitial work, you might prefer to download the templates and create personalised pages to try together.
Sometimes the demonstration pages are useful when discussing the Look2Talk approach with a team around a learner to help them visualise what the learner might be able to achieve in both the shorter and longer term.
Templates for producing pages for your personalised eye pointing communication book can be downloaded from Ace Centre's website here.
The templates can be used in either Boardmaker or InPrint 3 resource making software which you will need to purchase or arrange access to. Both companies offer time limited trials of their software which could be considered for getting started or exploring the approach.
You can find out more about the software options available in Appendix Two.
We recommend housing the learner's communication book in a sturdy easel file. Ability World sell a robust communication easel which is available to purchase from their website here.
However, other approaches are possible. See the section A Communication Easel in the Requirements for Success chapter for more information.
Currently Ace Centre Learning offer two teacher led training opportunities on a regular basis.
Introductory Level: A free live thirty minute webinar providing an overview of the Look2Talk materials and signposting to further guidance. It aims to identify who Look2Talk would be suitable for and why and how to use Look2Talk to teach encoded eye pointing as an access method for communication
Developing Level: A teacher-supported online study delivered in 2 three hour online webinars. It provides an introduction to the Look2Talk resource, and how you might begin to implement this with people who communicate by eye pointing. Clinicians will be supported in the development of a customised Look2Talk resource for their client.
These courses are run at least twice a year. To join a mailing list to be alerted when a course becomes available please click here. NB: If you are bounced back to this eBook it means you have already joined the mailing list.
You can also check our website to see if Look2Talk courses are currently available and to see other training opportunities around communication partner skills, AAC and access methods in general by clicking here to visit Ace Centre Learning.
As part of Ace Centre's charitable remit, the Look2Talk guide, accompanying demonstration pages and templates have been made freely available. These are all available from Ace Centre's website here.
It is recommended that you house the learner's communication book in a robust easel file which you can purchase from Ability World. See their website here.
As explained above, Ace Centre Learning offers training on Look2Talk which enables you to explore the approach in more detail.