Below are solutions to some common issues that you may experience when working with RelayKeys.
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Try and go through these steps:
Is your relaykeys stick properly attached? Make sure the blue light is showing. If not you may have a loose connection somewhere.
Is it paired and connected? - you will know this if the blue light is steady (not flashing) on the relaykeys stick
check your COM port. Lastly, it may be that the software cannot find the RelayKeys stick in its list of COM ports. Read this guide to configure and fix your COM port manually.
Check your casing and spacing. If you are using the command line applications, be careful - the application is case-sensitive. It should be type: and not Type: for example
Is it paired and been shown to be connected with the receiving device? If so - and its still not sending text you may need to remove the Bluetooth AceRK device and then pair the AceRK again. To do this open RelayKeys-QT app on the sending device - click on "Add device" and then pair on the receiving device.
Have a look at the keyboard map. You'll need to define/edit a keyboard map for the keyboard you are expecting it to be.