Do you really need this?
First up, check the table below for Languages officially supported by the software you are using. You can also use this as a tool to find which apps support a language you are interested in. Be careful. Some languages write in different scripts. Check the script that the TTS engine expects.
Want a easy way of finding which systems and what voice is supported by what system - try using this - alternatively use ctrl+f to search for a language/voice for your AAC app/system here. Note: We are covering largely TTS on Windows here. TTS on Android or iOS we will include as we go forward.
RHVoice (SAPI)
SAPI - MSSpeech
All versions of anReader 4.2.8 support both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows OS.
It is recommended that Windows is updated and the latest system patches are installed.
On Windows 10 and Windows 11, only the latest version of NVDA is currently supported, with other screen readers minor problems may occur in the operation of anReader.
Cereproc (SAPI)
Last updated