Pretty much any nrf52840 that you can load an arduino sketch onto. E.g.
SEEED XIA0 nrf52840. Super small - will take a lipo if you solder onto the back batt pins
Adafruit nrf52840 express. A great develeopment board. Has a spare button for you to use as either a pairing button or sending button.
Adafruit itsybitsy nrf52840. Same as the feather - but smaller and slight less flashy
And for the dongle
This is nice as its all in one piece. nrf52840 USB key
We are using a Nordic nrf52840 chipset for our work - but really any number of Bluetooth boards should support this technique as we are really just using the advertising feature of BLE.
The Open Wireless Switch (OWS) system is designed to enable wireless communication between a switch (or button) and a central receiving device via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). This system is composed of two main components: the Advertisement (Switch Sending) board and the Central (Receiving) device. The switch board can enter pairing mode, send button press data, and enter sleep mode after a period of inactivity. The central device scans for BLE signals, pairs with the switch, and processes the button press data to simulate USB keyboard input or other actions.
The Advertisement board is responsible for sending BLE signals that represent button presses. It operates in two main modes: Pairing and Sending.
1. Pairing Mode
Activation: Pairing mode is activated when the Pairing button on the Advertisement board is pressed.
Behavior: When the device enters pairing mode, it wakes up from sleep and begins advertising a set of pairing packages. These packages contain specific data that allow the Central (Receiving) device to recognize and pair with the switch.
Purpose: Pairing mode is essential for establishing a connection between the switch and the receiving device. It allows the receiving device to identify the switch's MAC address and prepare for subsequent data transmission.
2. Sending Mode
Switch Depress (Button Press):
When a button (or switch) on the Advertisement board is pressed, the board begins to collect button press data. This data is organized into packages.
Each data package represents the state of the button over a period of 100ms. Within this timeframe, the button state is sampled at 10ms intervals, resulting in 10 button states per package.
The data packages are advertised (broadcasted) via BLE at a rate of one package every 100ms.
Inactivity & Sleep Mode:
After the button is released, if there is no further button activity for a specified period (default is 5 seconds), the Advertisement board will automatically enter sleep mode to conserve power.
In sleep mode, the device stops advertising and goes into a low-power state until it is reawakened by either another button press or the Pairing button.
The Central device is responsible for scanning for BLE signals from the Advertisement board, pairing with it, and processing the received button press data.
1. Pairing Mode
The Central device continuously scans for BLE devices in the vicinity. When it detects the pairing packages from the Advertisement board, it reads the MAC address and pairs with the device.
Pairing allows the Central device to recognize the specific switch and prepare to receive button press data.
2. Button Press Data Handling
Receiving Data Packages:
After pairing, the Central device begins to receive the advertised data packages from the Advertisement board whenever the button is pressed.
Each package contains the button states recorded over 100ms. These packages are transmitted and received in real-time.
Processing and Replay:
Upon receiving a data package, the Central device processes the button states contained within it.
The Central device can then replay these button states via USB as if they were keyboard inputs. This allows the button press on the switch to be translated into a corresponding action on the Central device, such as pressing a specific key on a keyboard.
The system is flexible, allowing the received data to be interpreted in different ways (e.g., as joystick input or other control mechanisms).
1. Manufacturer ID
Purpose: The Manufacturer ID is a unique identifier used in BLE advertising packets to distinguish the specific manufacturer or type of device. In the OWS system, this ID is used to identify the Advertisement board during the pairing process and when sending button press data.
Value: The Manufacturer ID used in the OWS system is 0xFFFF
This ID is embedded in the BLE advertising packets sent by the Advertisement board.
The Central (Receiving) device listens for advertising packets with this specific Manufacturer ID to identify and pair with the switch.
The Manufacturer ID is included in every data package, allowing the Central device to verify the source of the received data.
2. Button Pair Packages
Purpose: The button pair packages are special BLE advertising packets sent when the Advertisement board enters pairing mode. These packages contain a predefined data structure that allows the Central device to recognize the board and establish a connection.
Package Structure:
The button pair package is a fixed-size byte array with the following structure:
Bytes 0-1: Manufacturer ID (0xFFFF
Bytes 2-3: Pairing Identifier (0x9C7C
Bytes 4-19: Reserved for additional data or padding (all 0x00
in this case).
When the Pairing button on the Advertisement board is pressed, the board begins broadcasting these pairing packages.
The Central device scans for these packages and, upon detecting the correct Manufacturer ID and Pairing Identifier, will pair with the switch.
3. Button Press Data Packages
Purpose: The button press data packages are BLE advertising packets sent by the Advertisement board when a button is pressed. These packages contain recorded button states over a short period (100ms) and are used by the Central device to emulate input actions.
Package Structure:
Each button press data package contains the following fields:
Manufacturer ID (Bytes 0-1): 0xFFFF
Package Index (Byte 2): A byte that increments with each new package, allowing the Central device to track the sequence of packages.
Button Data (Bytes 3-18): A 4x4 matrix where each row represents a different button, and each column represents a 10ms interval within the 100ms timeframe. Each entry in this matrix is a 4-bit value (0 or 1), indicating whether the button was pressed (1
) or not (0
) at that specific time interval.
Data Layout Example:
For a setup with 4 buttons, a data package might look like this:
Manufacturer ID: 0xFFFF
(Bytes 0-1)
Package Index: 0x01
(Byte 2)
Button Data:
Button 1 states over 100ms: 0x0A
(Byte 3)
Button 2 states over 100ms: 0x05
(Byte 4)
Button 3 states over 100ms: 0x03
(Byte 5)
Button 4 states over 100ms: 0x0F
(Byte 6)
Remaining bytes are padded with 0x00
for alignment.
Button States Interpretation:
Each button state byte can be interpreted as a sequence of bits representing the state of the button at each 10ms interval within the 100ms timeframe. For example, the byte 0x0A
(Button 1) could represent the following binary sequence:
This indicates that the button was pressed during the 4th and 2nd 10ms intervals and released during the others.
4. Buttons Configuration
Number of Buttons: The system supports up to 4 buttons by default, but this can be extended if needed by adjusting the data package format.
Button Identifiers:
Buttons are identified numerically (Button 1, Button 2, etc.).
Each button’s state is recorded separately in the data package, allowing the Central device to determine which button was pressed and when.
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Will Wade, With a big nod to Prente Romiche/Saltillo and their aeroswitch. Note - I have no idea if there's does exactly the same as this but a big clue was the fact they called it "Broadcast mode"
To try this out get two nrf52840 feather express boards from adafruit. Then load up the firmware for each board (its a arduino sketch - you want to first follow the guide here).
The firmware for the switch sending part is called advertisement. You need to add two switches - one for the actual switch (use a switch jack) and a tactile swich for pairing.
The firmware for the recievfing part is known as the central firmware. There should be defined a LED for indicating pairing. By default it's the red led of a nrf52840 Feather express.
When pairing button is pressed on the advertisement board it will send a specific pairing package and dongle receives this package and MAC address of the board it will listen for. The MAC is saved in flash memory and can be read later on start of dongle code.
Note - to save battery the advertisement board is set to sleep. Pressing the switch will wake it up - all in all this takes around 1 second.
So you can use a nrf52840 USB dongle to receive the switch press - or right now you could do it in software alone. See the python directory for this code.
When transmitting data, an nrf52840 dongle consumes around 1000 uA (1mA) In sleep mode, it consumes 20 uA. A Good coin cell battery can have around 200 mAh. So sleep battery life. 200mAh/20uA = 10000 hrs in deep sleep mode. 10000hrs > 416 days > a bit more than a year.
In transmitting: - Single press activates advertising, and if there is no next activity for half a second then advertising turns off. - So we have a consumption of 1mA during half second for a single press. So about Coin cell has 200 mAh -> 200 * 3600 mAsec or 7200 single presses.
How long will then a average coin cell battery last in sleep mode only?
500 mAh / 0.02 mA = 25,000 hours ≈ 1,042 days or about 2.85 years How long will the battery last in active mode only?
500 mAh / 1 mA = 500 hours ≈ 20.83 days”
But in general, cheap batteries will have less capacity.
If we have a 1000 mAh battery/ 0.02 mA = 50,000 hours ≈ 2,083 days or about 5.7 years sleep mode. Active mode only: 1000 mAh / 1 mA = 1000 hours ≈ 41.67 days
In our real world tests this stands up. We had our code running actively (a switch press per second) We calculated 3392945 switch presses in a total of 809hours approx 33 days. It was still going and we decided to read its battery voltage where we read 3.7. It starts at 4.2.
2532 uA (2.532 milliamperes) constant draw is seen on an HID connection with an nrf52840. So it consumes more than 2.5x more power.
This project is very much experimental and work-in-progress. We have not yet all the aims of the work and may never get there. We hope though that key learning may be useful for others developing wireless switches in the future - HID or BLE advertisement.
There are a lot of various switches in existence. The typical connection for this has been a 3.5mm jack and socket. For a computer to understand this switch press, you require a box that turns this into something useful. This has typically been either a keypress, mouse press or a game controller button. Being tied to a lead can be a nuisance and risk for some people. We need a way of wireless switches existing. You can do this right now either using a form of Radio or Bluetooth - where several commercial switches and switch boxes exist and act as a Bluetooth Keyboard. But, this protocol can be both costly in respect of battery life and in overheads to support a Bluetooth keyboard.
Some companies have developed lower power switches using Bluetooth, but this is proprietary, and the technique is not open to allow others to use.
Define an open protocol for wireless switches that allows anyone to develop a switch for any system - and equally; software developers support the OWS standard
It should be as energy conservative as possible. People should expect a battery life of months and years - not hours and days.
It should work with no dongle on the receiving end. This is because many devices either have no port or it becomes difficult to access a port on a computer. But of course, having a dongle may be preferable and allow support to systems which can't/won't be supported
It should have a way of working with physical devices too
It should allow for 1+ multiple switches to use the same protocol
It should have documented the response times
It should be open to scrutiny and improvements from anyone
As of right now, we have working firmware for a Bluetooth chipset and software to receive the switches without the hardware. This is currently in python. We are open to discussion about the protocol and code.
Let's consider the different ways we can wirelessly create a switch (let us know if we have missed something!)
LoRa - Radio e.g 433
Low low Low power
You would need a sender and receiving dongle.
Low power
Unreliable, needs a dongle to receive and send
Low power ?
Now hard to do this as Spotify bought chrip. Could design your own thing.. but environmental noise? Unreliable? Fiddly on designing receiving code
Bluetooth HID
Ubiquotous, Receiving easy
Power hungry. A lot of wasted bandwith
Bluetooth Beacon
Low Power, Recieving straightforward
Need a dongle on some devices where a background task can't run (e.g. iOS)