The current context within the England is a Hub and Spoke model, recommended by NHS England Service Specification (D01/S/b). It is expected that the Spokes, or local services, source equipment for 90% of the population who require AAC, whereas the additional 10% of need is met by the Hub ( Specialised AAC Service) who meet their criteria which can be found by clicking here or by going to
It is important that educational settings are aware of the Specialised AAC Service within their area and that they open conversation with them in an effort to understand the funding and provision that is available. Each service will have referral criteria; your local SaLT (Speech and Language Therapist) or GP service can help identify this.
Do you know who your local Specialised AAC Service?
Use the Ace Centre NHS Service Finder to find contact information for Assistive Technology services, including AAC, wheelchair and environmental control by clicking here or going
Below is an example of a statement from a school which you can use as inspiration to create your own.
Our school works in partnership with all agencies and has specific links with the Speech and Language Therapy team and NHS who work in school. The local NHS team will work with learners and staff to identify and recommend specific AAC for learners. This is likely to include skill and language development. Students who meet the NHS Specialised Service criteria are referred to our local hub.
-Brays School